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Which is not a characteristic of proteins?

  • A. Can self-replicate
  • B. Can act as a hormone
  • C. Acts in cell membrane trafficking
  • D. Can bind foreign materials

A drug is used that prevents the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II. What is a likely effect of this drug?

  • A. Increased sodium reabsorption
  • B. Increased potassium reabsorption
  • C. Increased blood pressure
  • D. Increased blood pH

Amides are common in nature and in industry; amide linkages link amino acids in polypeptides, and many pharmaceuticals are amides. Which of the following is an amide?

Which of the following is/are true with regard to neurulation?

I. The neural tube differentiates from endoderm.

II. The neural tube becomes the peripheral nervous system.

III. Neural crest cells migrate from their original site.

  • A. I only
  • B. III only
  • C. II and III only
  • D. I, II, and III

This process (shown in the image below) is completed...

  • A. in the cytoplasm.
  • B. in the area of the cell membrane.
  • C. in the mitochondria.
  • D. in the area around the ribosomes.

Biochemical pathways often involve multiple successive chemical reactions. Given the below (image) series of reactions leading to the formation of products D and E, which is the rate-determining step?

  • A. I
  • B. II
  • C. III
  • D. I and II

What is the response of the immune system to downregulation of MHC molecules on somatic cells?

  • A. B-cells are activated and antibodies are released.
  • B. T-cells are activated, resulting in a cytotoxic response.
  • C. Natural killer cells induce apoptosis of affected cells.
  • D. Macrophages engulf the pathogen and display its antigens.

A person suffers from food poisoning after eating a spoiled lemon, and later finds that the smell of limes and other citrus fruits make her nauseous. This is an example of:

  • A. acquisition.
  • B. generalization.
  • C. discrimination.
  • D. negative reinforcement.

How many different types of gametes would be produced by an organism of genotype AabbCcDdEE, if all of the genes assort independently?

  • A. 6
  • B. 8
  • C. 10
  • D. 16

A woman comes to the doctor with a two-week history of complete paralysis of her left arm. She has had no injury to the extremity, and full neurological workup fails to demonstrate any underlying cause. She seems surprisingly unconcerned about the paralysis, and seems more worried about an argument she had one month ago in which she hit her daughter. Based on this information, the woman’s most likely diagnosis is:

  • A. conversion disorder.
  • B. generalized anxiety disorder.
  • C. illness anxiety disorder.
  • D. histrionic personality disorder.

Structural isomers can have drastically different roles in the body. Furthermore, only one of multiple optical isomers may be made by the body or be useful as a therapeutic agent. How many structural isomers of C3H6Br2 are capable of exhibiting optical activity?

  • A. 0
  • B. 1
  • C. 2
  • D. 3

A 6 ft man lifts a 100-lb weight from the floor to a height 1 ft above his head.

How much work is done in lifting the weight?

  • A. 0 foot-pounds
  • B. 6 foot-pounds
  • C. 600 foot-pounds
  • D. 700 foot-pounds

Which statement about cyclic AMP (cAMP) is NOT true?

  • A. cAMP is formed from ATP.
  • B. The enzyme that catalyzes the formation of cAMP is adenylate cyclase.
  • C. The enzyme that catalyzes cAMP formation is generally located in the cytoplasm.
  • D. cAMP is regarded as a second messenger, since it can trigger a cascade of intracellular reactions after a hormone binds to the cell membrane.

A patient who resides in the United States says, “I love you,” and hugs his doctor after every routine visit. This behavior violates:

  • A. personal beliefs.
  • B. patient autonomy.
  • C. social values.
  • D. social norms.

The potential danger involved with ingesting certain compounds is associated with their solubility in the body's aqueous environment. Which of the following would be most soluble in water?


Which of the following best describes the populations targeted by Medicare and Medicaid, respectively?

  • A. Medicare: mostly patients without employer-guaranteed health care; Medicaid: mostly patients who have recently immigrated
  • B. Medicare: mostly patients who have recently immigrated; Medicaid: mostly patients without employer-guaranteed healthcare
  • C. Medicare: mostly patients in older age groups; Medicaid: mostly patients with low socioeconomic status
  • D. Medicare: mostly patients with low socioeconomic status; Medicaid: mostly patients in older age groups


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